Student Organizations


The National Society of Black Engineers is an organization that encourages academic excellence, professional success and community involvement in its members. The MSU chapter of NSBE strives to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers and send them into the profession as leaders in their field.


The Society of Women in Engineering is a national organization that is dedicated to changing the face of engineering and helping female engineers succeed in a professional and personal capacity growing as leaders as well as engineers. The MSU student section hosts Girl Scout Badge Day and assists with WISE Women & Women in Action summer programs.


The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineering, a leading social-technical organization whose primary function is to enhance and achieve the potential of Hispanics in engineering, math and science. The MSU student chapter is encouraging the Hispanic engineering community to initiate, develop, and enhance the skills needed to further ensure the positions of Hispanics in technical degrees.


The INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) Student chapter at Mississippi State University is an organization which is committed to encourage and develop interest in the fields of operations research (OR) and management science (MS). We provide a means of communication and networking among people having interests in OR/MS. We also provide an informal means of exchange about OR/MS educational programs and opportunities as well as information sharing among students by conducting a number of activities. Our activities include Speaker Seminars, Professional Training Workshops, and Career Development Events, to list a few. Student chapter membership is free and we would like to invite you to come and be a part of our OR/MS family on campus.

Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Marufuzzaman